
Saturday Feb 18, 2017
Men and Women of Faith: ABRAHAM
Saturday Feb 18, 2017
Saturday Feb 18, 2017
Continuing on from our group Bible Study on the subject of Abraham, we were joined by Brian McCoubrey who also considered aspects of the life of 'Friend of God', who features so heavily in that wonderful chapter of faith, Hebrews 11.
It was in this chapter that Brian began, commencing at verse 8. As he considered also some of the other characters of faith, Brian pointed out that other individuals who appeared here do not feature too heavily in other parts of Scripture. What a wonderful reminder that God takes note of faithful actions of His children, no matter how small they may seem to us at the time.
The first thing that Brian considered about Abraham was that he was a saved man. In Matthew 11, Christ Himself speaks of the multitudes of people that will sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of Heaven. Abraham's faith in God was a saving faith, and as we read in Genesis 15, "Abraham believed in the Lord, and He counted it to him for righteousness".
As well as having a saving faith, Abraham also had a faith to follow. God called Abraham out of Ur, a place of idolatry and faithlessness, and asked him to move out for a land that would be shown to him. Even today, God asks us to turn our back on the sinful things of this world, and step out in faith to accomplish the great plan that God has for our lives. That is a challenge to every believer. Are we prepared to step out, in faith, and claim the promises of God? I will shew thee... I will make of thee... I will bless thee... I will bless them... Abraham received promises from God, tokens of grace and guidance that he could grab hold of when the challenges of the journey came upon him.
In dealing with these challenges, Abraham was not always perfect in the way he handled them. His appearance, however, in Hebrews 11, gives us the wonderful thought that failure is not final. What an encouragement, when we find ourselves constantly stumbling and falling in our walk with God, that even the 'Friend of God' had times of great failure in his relationship with His Heavenly Father. When the challenge of famine came upon Abraham his reaction was to find himself among the company of the ungodly, and in Egypt he made the unwise decision that could have brought danger and great shame upon him and his family. Spending too much time in the company of those who don't love the Lord will affect our decisions, our judgement and our wisdom. Abraham's fear of man caused him to falter in his walk with God. Likewise we must understand who it is that we serve, and strive to live a life that pleases God, rather than men. Failure is not final. God is faithful to forgive us our sins, if we just confess them to Him. He will forgive us and restore us.
As the promises of God began to be fulfilled in Abraham's life, God had a test for him to go through. God often tests us in our lives, not to try and bring us down, but to bring us through, stronger, bolder and closer to Him. This is why God tested Abraham when he asked him to take the son which was promised, which Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years to come to pass, and sacrifice him upon the mountains of Moriah. This was the moment we understand Abraham's reaction to his future that was promised. Rather than argue, he obeyed. Rather than delay, he rose up. Rather than question, he believed. Abraham's faith in God was so strong that in Hebrews 11:19 that he believed even that God could raise his son from the dead again. God had never yet demonstrated His power over death yet, in faith, Abraham believed in that power.
Abraham never did have to sacrifice his son, but his faith is a great lesson to us. Does God have a troubled path for you to follow, a path that you do not understand? Trust in God. Believe that He has a great purpose for your life. Believe that even in the deepest darkness, God can take your hand and lead you through to the fulfilment of the promised future.
Abraham believed in the Lord, and He counted it to him for righteousness - Genesis 15:6

Sunday Jan 22, 2017
What was God doing in 2016?
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Tonight we welcomed back John Hanna to consider some of the devasting, staggering and 'random' events of 2016, and consider the question: what was God doing?
Turning to John 16, and reading it in full, our attention was drawn to the final verse of the chapter and to the final words "be of good cheer; I have overcome the world". The Lord Jesus Christ has overcome the world.
So, what is 'the world' in this case? In the context we read that 'in the world ye shall have the tribulation'. The world is 'tribulation' for the Christian. It is a heavy weight, a hinderance and a challenge to our Christian walk. It is unpredicatable, it is uncertain and it is potentially destructive. Yet, with this knowledge, many people trust in the world for comfort and for contentment. But if we are trusting solely in Christ, we have sure foundation, a rock, with which to build our lives upon.
When we look around us at the world, our faith can be shaken. But we are reminded that in overcoming the world, Christ already reigns victorous over it. Whether challenged morally, physically or intellectually, we can be encouraged that these challenges will not and cannot last. They have already been defeated. God is not merely everlasting; He is eternal. God exists outside of time itself, from where He controls every event within time - from the actions of human beings to the pattern of the mighty waves and the division of a tiny cell. God is sovereign. God is in control.
What was God doing in 2016? We don't know. But we know that He is constantly working out His purposes. The world is unpredictable. It is no friend of the Christian. But Christ is the same, last year, this year and forever. What happens around us, to us, or in spite of us, does not matter. Christ remains in control.
What are you resting on for security? Your British citizenship, your European allegiance, your celebrity icons or your financial status? If 2016 has told us anything, it is that none of these things can be relied upon. Everything falls away. But Christ, He alone will never change. He alone is secure. He alone is eternal. What are you resting on? Put your faith in Christ, not just for your salvation, but for everything! Stand back and see what God has done.
He has overcome the world.
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest - Matthew 11:28

Saturday Jan 07, 2017
The Hands of the Saviour - Kyle Boyd
Saturday Jan 07, 2017
Saturday Jan 07, 2017
The first meeting of 2017, saw a good crowd of young people gathered into the hall as we welcomed back Kyle Boyd to speak. Opening the Word of God in Mark chapter 6, where the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand was recounted, Kyle began to consider the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this passage, Christ showed that He had compassionate hands. Despite the exhaustion of the day, the hunger of his own body and that of His desciples, the Lord used His hands to produce a miraculous abundance of food. Not only were the people satisfied, but they were completely filled. The compassionate hands of the Saviour are infinitely abundant in reaching out to help His people.
Moving over to Luke 22, Kyle then considered the praying hands of Jesus Christ. In coming to His Father, with the shadow of the cross looming over Him, Christ's humanity is in full view. He is in need of support from His Father, desiring the comfort that comes from Heaven. In this action, the Lord not only shows us His human nature, but sets before us an example of prayer. We must bring our needs to our heavenly Father, trusting Him to take our troubles and cares upon Him and perform His perfect and wonderful will in our lives.
The working hands of Christ are found back in Mark 6. Verse 3 reminds us of His working background, as a carpenter, no doubt working alongside His earthly father in Nazareth. This paints a very interesting picture of a man who works with His hands, shaping and moulding the wood to create beauty, yet who's hands were in turn cruelly taken and nailed to the old wooden, rugged cross. As a carpenter, Christ also showed us an example of dedication and motivation to work, a lesson which is of great benefit in church, in school and in our employment.
In Matthew 14, as Peter cries out to the Lord to save Him, we find the saving hand of Jesus reaches down and saves Him out of the water. Christ was nearby, He was willing and He was ready. All Peter had to do, in verse 30, was to cry out for help and he would get it. Even today, the Lord is waiting, listening for the cry of the sinner's heart. He is nearby, He is willing and He is ready to save. We just need to cry to Him for the salvation that He freely gives us. Salvation from sin, salvation from eternal separation from God and salvation from hell. Christ's hands are ready to save.
Finally, turning to John 20, Kyle reminded us that the hands of the Saviour were pierced hands. Christ's hands, right now in heaven, retain the marks of the brutal death He suffered on the cross. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, suffered, bled and died for the sins of the world. His nail-pierced hands are the eternal evidence of His love for men, women, boys and girls. When we see the hands of the Saviour in Eternity, we will be compelled, as Thomas was in verse 28, to utter the words 'my Lord and my God'. Will you see those hands in glory? Will you see the Saviour face-to-face?
The hands of the Saviour are compassionate, praying, working and saving hands. THey are hands pierced by the brutal nails on the cross. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, they are also the hands that will welcome you into hands, and the hands that will place that Crown of Glory upon your head. What a wonderful thing to look forward to. The hope of every believer.

Sunday Dec 04, 2016
Dinosaurs in the Bible?!
Sunday Dec 04, 2016
Sunday Dec 04, 2016
Philip Robinson joined us again to consider the challenge many believers face against those who claim that God's creation of the world is a lie. This time around he focused on the topic of Dinosaurs, and how perceptions of these magnificent creatures have been shaped by many sources. For example, the tagline of the famous dinosaur movie, Jurassic Park, "65 million years in the making", presumes that the account of creation was not correct and that instead everthing evolved slowly over time.
While merely a Hollywood film, Jurassic Park, and other sources of a similar theme, have been instrumental in the belief that evolution alone has the answer to the origin and extinction of great beasts such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex. There is, of course, an alternate view to this one. It is a view that opposes evolution, ocurred within thousands of years - not millions - and places God in control of everything we see, feel and hear. It is the view of the world contained within the pages of Scripture; detailed for us in the book of Genesis.
While considering these two contrasting views, it is important to realise that these views are based, not on Operational Science (which which can be tested, repeated and observed), but on Origin Science (that which must be extrapolated from the evidence we see before us). Whether we believe in evolution or creation, the evidence at our disposal is the same. It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle to see the final picture. The difference, for Christians, is that we know what the final picture looks like before we began fitting together the pieces. This gives a unique insight into the evidence and how it all fits together.
There are many challenges with the evidence. In particular, with dinosaurs, the fossils which have been found do not have labels that say how old they are, and with so much room for error in the dating process it is impossible to be sure of the numbers. It is then necessary to look for other things we are certain of. In some interesting recent discoveries, soft tissue and DNA have been found in dinousaur bones. While, again, it is not known exactly how old these finds are, it is well established that bone tissue and DNA would not survive beyond a few thousand years. This further piece in the puzzle supports the view that God created man and beasts (inlcuding dinosaurs) on day 6 of creation, around 6,000 years ago.
Another interesting piece of the puzzle is the existence of clear drawings and descriptions of dinosaurs made well before the first fossil discoveries. Carvings on walls, etchings on stonework, stories of dragon-like creatures being fought by brave humans and Biblical references to large grass-eating beasts with tails like trees and bones of iron. The evidence strongly suggests that dinosaurs and humans coexisted, once again supporting the presentation of Creation in Genesis 1.
So, then, what happened to them? If these mighty beasts (although not all were large), lived alongside man within the last few thousand years, why are they not still here today? Firstly, we can't say for certain they are not, as not all areas of the world have yet been explored. Secondly, since the book of Job was most likely written after the Flood, they must have made it on to the Ark, built by Noah. There are many who would mock this notion, but as Philip explains, it is perfectly reasonable that a range of dinosaurs would have been able to fit onto the Ark - perhaps up to 50 different types!
The dinosaurs, like all the other animals, would have then left the ark to find food and reproduce. It appears this happened successfully until at least the days of Job and likely much more recently (according the markings that have been found and the 'legends' uncovered), before they died out through natural means - and perhaps hunting - like so many other ancient species before and after them.
The Bible is true from the beginning. When we read of God creating large, land-dwelling beasts on the same day as He created man, there is no reason for us to doubt this. Nor should there be any reason to fear what scientists and archaeologists will discover under the ground. While the extrapolations and best-guess scenarios of many scientists have seemed to be in direct contradiction with what the Bible teaches, the actual evidence itself has been far from that. In fact, when viewed through the completed picture of the Bible, the evidence takes on much more meaning and makes a lot more sense than through evolutionary eyes.
Sinful man will not want to accept that God exists, that He created us and that He can both judge and redeem us. But the actions of sinful men should not taint our enjoyment and excitement of new scientific discoveries, for with every new discovery comes a further example of God's great power and His wonderful creation of the world. Science books change constantly as new evidence is found, highlighting errors in the previous versions. On the contrary, the Word of God remains the same, as yet another piece of evidence adds weight to the claim of God.
The Bible stands like a rock undaunted
'Mid the raging storms of time;
Its pages burn with the truth eternal,
And they glow with a light sublime.
The Bible stands tho' the hills may tumble,
It will firmly stand when the earth shall crumble;
I will plant my feet on its firm foundation,
For the Bible stands.

Saturday Nov 19, 2016
Men and Women of Faith: ABEL
Saturday Nov 19, 2016
Saturday Nov 19, 2016
Continuing our long-term series on the characters of faith found in Hebrews chapter 11, Scott Woodburn spoke on the story of Cain and Abel, focusing on the faith displayed by Abel. Before stepping into the Word of God, however, Scott briefly shared his testimony, recounting how the Lord saved him as a young man when he came into contact with both Christian company and with the glorious Gospel.
Moving on to Genesis 4, where we read that God accepted the offering of Abel, we also find that the offering of Cain was rejected. This made Cain very angry, against both his brother and against God. Driven by his anger, Cain then killed his own brother. As with many who read the Scriptures, Scott shared how he first, as a young child, sympathised with Cain. Why should his offering be rejected? Why would God treat him so unfairly? But as Scott grew in his knowledge of Scripture, he began to realise that there was a far deeper understanding to be had of this passage. Allow the Bible to interpret itself, which is how it is meant to be, we read in Hebrews 11 that Abel came to God by faith. Abel came believing in the holiness of God and the importance of the sacrifice.
Cain, on the other hand, did not come with either faith or a sacrifice. He came his own way, of the work of his hands, in a faithless and selfish act. This is key to why Cain's offering was not accepted. The sacrifice is critical, as it points back to Genesis 3 and the clothing of animal coats provided to Adam and Eve. It was from innocent animals who had to die that a 'covering' might be made for sin. This set a standard that only the shedding of blood could atone for sins; only the sacrifice of an innocent party could satisfy the wrath and justice of God. That standard was what was ignored by Cain.
The sacrifice also points us forward. The sacrifice of an innocent lamb, for the sins of an individual, is a beatiful picture of the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. The Lord Jesus, in dying on the cross, taking upon himself the sins of the whole world, became the ultimate sacrifice - the final sacrifice. In Christ, those who trust in Him have been set free from the stranglehold of sin. We have been redeemed by faith. We have been redeemed from sin by the faith that saved Abel, the same faith that saved Abraham and the faith that saved Paul.
The story of Cain and Abel is not about Cain, and how unfairly he was treated. It is not even about Abel, and how he was accepted of God. It is about Christ. It is about His love, His suffering and His redeeming power through His precious blood. Are we trying to get through life our own way, relying on the favour of God on our good deeds? Do we reject the notion that there can only be one way to get to Heaven and insist on testing God with alternatives? Or do we humbly accept our own worthlessness, as Abel did, knowing that Christ alone has the power to forgive sin. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Impossible. Abel had the joy of being the first believer to be received into Glory, as the redeemed of God. Be sure that you will join him, by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone.
"...to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel."
Heb 12:24

Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Reaching the Arab World for Christ
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Sunday Nov 06, 2016

Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Luke Barker - Feasting on the Word (Part I)
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Saturday Oct 15, 2016

Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Standing Out from Day One (2 Timothy 3)
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Saturday Oct 01, 2016

Saturday Apr 23, 2016
Men and Women of Faith: JOSEPH
Saturday Apr 23, 2016
Saturday Apr 23, 2016

Sunday Apr 17, 2016
What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Sunday Apr 17, 2016