
Sunday Dec 06, 2009
A Happy Family Life (Ephesians 5)
Sunday Dec 06, 2009
Sunday Dec 06, 2009
Pastor William Creighton brings a message focussed on a Happy Family L.I.F.E. Starting with the LORD, it is only through faith in Christ that we can experience true happiness in our live. Then, as INDIVIDUALS, we must understand our own responsibilities before God, relying fully upon Him for our happiness, and not upon the circumstances around us. The FAMILY happiness is the result of following the guidelines of Scripture, as outlined in Ephesians chapters 5 and 6. And finally, our happiness in Christ will affect our relationship with EVERYONE around us, at home and at work.

Sunday Nov 22, 2009
The Testimony of Gordon Dane
Sunday Nov 22, 2009
Sunday Nov 22, 2009
Gordon Dane, minister of the Free Presbyterian Church in Crossgar, speaks very genuinely and frankly on the Lord's leading in his life. His early childhood was not hugely influenced by Biblical matters, however, things changed when his father gave his life to Christ. Despite this, and the constant call from God to repent, he resisted Christ for a few years. But Christ is longsuffering and gently brought Gordon to Himself, guiding him in many wonderful ways to the place where he now ministers. As Believers, the Lord is our guide, and it is His desire to bless us, but we must heed to His call. It is only in the will of God that we will be truly blessed.

Sunday Nov 08, 2009
The Humility of Christ (John 13)
Sunday Nov 08, 2009
Sunday Nov 08, 2009
David Reid, author of the book 'If My People', visits Listooder for the first time to present the Biblical truths behind the book. Speaking from John chapter 13 on the subject of Humility, he brings to our attention the humility shown in Christ as He washed the feet of the disciples, revealing His true nature as the servant who became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Sunday Nov 01, 2009
The Testimony of Genelle McNabb
Sunday Nov 01, 2009
Sunday Nov 01, 2009
Genelle speaks briefly on how she was brought up in a Christian family, yet came to learn that she too had to come to Christ, taking her place as a sinner, receiving full salvation freely offered from God.

Sunday Nov 01, 2009
Reports from South Africa and PNG
Sunday Nov 01, 2009
Sunday Nov 01, 2009
David McCoubrey and James Dane speak on their summer work with missionaries in South Africa and Papua New Guinea respectively. A slide-show presentation is available for each report, which can be downloaded from the Listooder Youth Fellowship website. Follow along with David and James by watching their photos as you listen to the reports.

Sunday Oct 18, 2009
The Character of Jephthah (Judges 11)
Sunday Oct 18, 2009
Sunday Oct 18, 2009
Tim McIlwrath joins us for his first visit to Listooder, in which he presents lessons from the character of Jephthah. From Judges chapter 11, we learn that despite being treated as an outcast, the Lord, 'in the process of time', uses Jephthah to lead the Israelites to victory over their enemies.

Sunday Oct 04, 2009
The Great White Throne Judgement (Revelation 20)
Sunday Oct 04, 2009
Sunday Oct 04, 2009
Pastor David Scott speaks of two Judgements mentioned in the Scriptures. There is the 'Judgement Seat' of 2 Corinthians 5:10, where all Believers will be judged, or 'reviewed' according to their works. A Believer will never be Judged or 'punished' for their sins, as all are washed in the blood of Christ, but it here that we will give an account of our service for the Lord. No Believer will ever face the other Judgement, the Great White Throne, where the 'lost', those who have not trusted Christ as their Saviour, both small and great, will be judged for their sins. All will be found guilty of transgressing the law of God and will be cast into the lake that burns forever.

Sunday Apr 26, 2009
A Living Sacrifice (Romans 12)
Sunday Apr 26, 2009
Sunday Apr 26, 2009
In the words of Romans chapter 12, Trevor Baxter encourages young believers to present their bodies as a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service. In following these verses, we can bring glory to God with our words, our actions and our conduct.

Saturday Apr 11, 2009
The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23)
Saturday Apr 11, 2009
Saturday Apr 11, 2009
In our special one-off Fellowship Meeting, Stephen Moore brings a simple message from one of the most well known passages of Scripture. From Psalm 23 he reminds the Believer of the privileges we each have in the Lord, exhorting any who are outside of the fold of Christ to bring their need of Salvation to the only one who can save.

Sunday Mar 22, 2009
The Fruit of the Spirit (Part II)
Sunday Mar 22, 2009
Sunday Mar 22, 2009
Stephen Jamison returns to Listooder to speak from Galatians chapter 5 on the Fruit of the Spirit. Following on from the previous message by Brian McCoubrey, Stephen considers the need for the young Believer to display Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness and Temperance.