
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Angels and Demons - Maurice Warburton
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Maurice took up the fascinating subject of Angels and Demons. Angels are mentioned in half of the books of the Bible, a total of 273 times. Starting from Revelation Chapter 12, he introduced the subject by reminding us that:
- Angels and demons are real
- Angels were created sometime before this world
- Angels were made perfect, but had the ability to sin
Satan was one of the highest angels in heaven. He was filled with pride, sinned against God and was cast out of heaven, taking a third of the angels with him. These are now often referred to as demons.
Looking at angels first, Maurice focused in on what they do in relation to us:
1) Angels rejoice the day we are saved
2) Angels generally guard the saved
3) Angels bring answers to our prayers
4) Angels encourage God’s children
5) Angels observe us in church
6) Angels guard the church
However, while we can look in wonder at angels and appreciate them, we must never worship angels.
He then turned to the subject of demons. Maurice emphasised that we need to be cautious when studying the Devil’s angels. It’s possible to get an unhealthy interest in this subject. We shouldn’t go beyond what God’s word tells us. This includes any involvement in the occult e.g. contacting the dead, witchcraft, fortune tellers. God’s word prohibits us from going near these things. They are very dangerous and open us up to another world.
The key points to remember about demons are:
1) Demons oppose God’s people
2) God can use demons to work out his own purposes
3) Demons are a defeated foe
4) We must not compromise with the occult, nor have fellowship with people who do these things.
5) We need the whole armour of God to stand against these forces
6) One day we will judge angels
The ultimate punishment of Satan and his angels will be everlasting fire. Maurice reminded us that those who have not trusted Jesus as their Saviour will also go there. He concluded by urging us to put our trust in Jesus and seek to reach others with the gospel message.

Sunday Oct 04, 2015
The Faith of Noah (Hebrews 11)
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Kyle Boyd returned to Listooder to bring us the first of a series of meetings on the Men and Women of Faith in Hebrews 11. Choosing to explore the experiences of Noah in Genesis 6, Kyle first considered the world in which Noah found himself. It was a world of sin, a world that brought such pain to the heart of God that He repented the creation of it. Yet, despite all this there was one, Noah, who found grace in the sight of God.

Saturday Apr 25, 2015
Stepping out in Faith - Thomas Murray
Saturday Apr 25, 2015
Saturday Apr 25, 2015

Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Be Ready Always to Give an Answer - Samuel Jackson
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Samuel Jackson, speaking for the first time, brought a challenge to the young people at Listooder. The world around us knows little of the Christ whom we serve. It knows little of the one who loved us and gave Himself or us. It is therefore, as in the words of 1 Peter 3:15, with meekness and with fear that we make ourselves ready. Not ready so that we can judge the unsaved. Not ready so that we can demonstrate how much better we are than they. But ready to give a reason of the hope that lies within us.

Sunday Apr 12, 2015
The Testimony of Ross Greer
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Ross explains that, although he was saved at a very young age, he often lacked assurance of his salvation and it was only as he began to get involved in serving the Lord in church and Scripture Union activities that he really began to grow in his knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through his testimony Ross encouraged the other young people to keep their focus on Christ and on the Bible, seeking to live for God in a sinful and challenging world.

Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Step-by-step: The blood of Christ
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Introducing himself to the young people, Roger Higginson, brought up in Lisburn and more recently of Coleraine, began by turning to Hebrews chapter 9. The types and shadows referred to in this chapter, and seen throughout the Old Testament in the sacrifice, the washing, the priestly office and the holy place, are all fulfilled in the person and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is through the shedding of His blood alone that we can be redeemed, bought back, from our sins.
Verse 19 of the chapter refers back to Moses on Mount Sinai, as he received the 10 commandments. Once Moses had related the law to the people of God, the children of Israel, the blood of a sacrifice was taken and sprinkled about the book and upon all the people. This is significant as it speaks of the sprinkling of the blood of Christ. The Bible presents the doctrine of 'The Blood' from Genesis to Revelation, and the people of God are people that have been blood-sprinkled, we have been purchased by the blood of the Lamb.
Taking the letters of the word 'BLOOD', Roger then began to teach the principle of the precious blood of Christ, from the origins of the sacrifice to the redemption purchased on the cross of Calvary.
BASIS for the blood
The significance of the blood, and more specifically of the sacrifice, goes right back to the early chapters of Genesis. Cain and Abel, the children of Adam and Eve, had been clearly taught of the need to bring a blood offering to God as an appeasement for their sins. Abel obeyed the requirement, but Cain did not, rather he brought an offering of the fruit of the ground. As we read later in Hebrew 9, there is no remission for sins without the shedding of the blood. Cain's offering was not accepted. And throughout the Old Testament this foundation is set down. It is a representation of the covenant between God and man that where the blood of an innocent creature is shed on behalf a guilty man, that guilty man can go free.
LIFE in the blood
So why blood? Why is it not enough that the innocent animal, in the case of Old Testament types, or Christ, in the case of New Testament fulfilment, just died rather than having to shed blood? In the book of Leviticus we read that the life of the flesh is in the blood. The life is in the blood. There is not a single part of the body that could function without blood. Not only does the blood keep the body alive, but it cleanses, it heals, it provides warmth and it fights disease. Not only is the life in the blood, but the very principle behind life itself are found only in the blood. The outpouring of the blood of Jesus Christ was a demonstration of Christ laying down absolutely everything for us.
OBLATION of the blood
The blood is an Oblation, a 'sacrificial offering'. Christ's offering was a sacrifice. The high priest, entering the tabernacle every year, with blood, sought the forgiveness of the sins of the people. This was a sign of what was to come. The Lord Jesus Christ, in laying down His life for us, shedding His precious blood, fulfilled all of the types and signs in Himself. He became the perfect sacrifice, the final sacrifice. He became the ultimate sacrifice for sins, as He presented His own blood before the Father in Heaven, seeking the forgiveness for our sins. He claimed the promise of the covenant between God and man, the shedding of te blood of an innocent creature so that a guilty man or woman could be go free.But this was different, in that this was a one-time offering. It was a sacrifice for all time, for all ages and for all people. Hebrews 10:12: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God.
OFFENCE of the blood
The blood causes offence. That is without doubt, but why are some many opposed to the truth of this doctrine in Scripture? Why do so many deem it necessary to exclude the blood from their teachings? The doctrine of the blood tells us in clear terms that we cannot deal with our own sins. Salvation is obtained only through the blood. The high-priest, approaching the holy place, had to come with blood or the sacrifice for the people would not be accepted. In the same way, we must come by the cross, washed and cleansed by the sprinkling of the blood of Christ, shed for us at Calvary. There is no other way to have sins forgiven, than through the 'once for all' sacrifice of the blood of Jesus Christ.
DELIVERANCE by the blood
Not only does salvation, through the blood, deliver sinners from the penalty of sin, it also delivers Believers, who have trusted in the blood, from the pollution of sin. The blood of Jesus Christ saves from both the punishment of sin and he effects of the evil one in every aspect of our lives.
As the children of Israel prepared to leave Egypt in Exodus 12, knowing that the presence of the death angel was near, they spread the blood of innocent lamb on the doors of their homes. They claimed of promise of God that He, seeing the blood applied, would pass over them. The death angel is a reality for every person in this world. Death will come upon all of us, and after this, the judgement. However, with the blood of Christ applied, death holds no fear for the Believer. The judgement of God holds no fear the Believer. For when He sees the blood of Christ applied, His judgement will pass over us.
Be sure you are under the blood.

Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Bible Question Panel
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015

Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Dealing with Temptation - Trevor Matthews
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Sunday Feb 22, 2015

Sunday Feb 08, 2015
He Calms the Storm (Mark 6) - Matthew Cuffey
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Sunday Feb 08, 2015

Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Senders' Mission Myanmar
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Sunday Jan 18, 2015